

DAIKIN, a leading air conditioning technology conglomerate from Japan, approached us through the renowned design magazine IDEAT for a unique art installation pavilion in the heart of Shanghai.
Amidst a whirlwind of ideas, I focused on air, as our client excels in air manipulation. We decided that the pavilion should embody constant motion, a concept we always strive to achieve. One day, while shopping with my wife, we passed a lingerie shop adorned with screens of tassel strings, reminiscent of a kitsch brothel.
In that moment, I envisioned the sea and its serene, poetic movements. This inspired us to use custom-made tassel strings in two layers: white on the outer layer and blue on the inner layer, matching DAIKIN's corporate colors.
The pavilion's spiral geometry features an internal meditation and relaxation space. We aimed to create an experience akin to being in the sea, with tassel strings swaying in the air. Specific DAIKIN air conditioning units were placed to enhance this movement. During the exhibition, children ran in and out of the pavilion, and the continuous artificial wind, along with the natural breeze from the shopping mall's doors, made the structure seem alive, swaying with each encounter.
We communicated to DAIKIN that branding was unnecessary, as their global recognition speaks for itself. This installation showcased their expertise, drawing inspiration from marine life and the essential elements of air and water currents.